Springys APPlication System

Modern Convenience Meets Clinical Outcomes

Our evidence based exercise prescription model is delivered through the Springys cloud-based APPlication – built for Practitioners and their clients.

Our exercise system draws from scientific parameters to integrate movement dynamics, spring resistance, dosage principles, core & dynamic stability to identify with the desired outcome and achieve superior mind-body connection.

The revolutionary exercise prescription system is delivered through our cloud-based APPlication System, for use with our exercise equipment. The Springys APP contains an extensive exercise content library, which targets various clinical populations, sports conditioning and general fitness initiatives.

Springys Practitioners, Coaches, Educators and Body and Movement Specialists can use the Springys APP to prescribe from our pre-loaded sessions, for data tracking, program management, client feedback and communication, and to make real-time adjustments to suit the targeted clinical or functional outcome.

Springys Participants can work with a Springys practitioner to receive an individualised program based on assessment findings, or take a self-managed approach by making use of the APP’s powerful abilities to find the Springys Sessions that are most relevant.

Find out about using our Exercise Prescription Tool for Practitioners and Body and Movement Specialists


Springys APPlication System



Belinda G
